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Detail / Electronic Design

For our medical beauty machines project for a beauty brand in China, the first stage began with sketching the layout, we began with collecting all the detailed essential requirements for the machine. We made the design appear as a very natural object. Using the data we collected, we came up with different sketches of the design. After reviewing all the different sketches, the brand came up with their desired sketch and we began further designing. 


The second step was the detailed modeling of the design. We proceeded with working on the sketch selected by the brand. All the comments were then incorporated to come up with comprehensive visualization of the 3D design. The output then provided an exact layout and format of the design showing all the different components of the machine.


The third stage then kick-off with the internal framework design of the beauty machine where we worked as a team with our technical designers and electronic engineers in order to turn this innovative concept on the outside into a technical and useful structure on the inside. We proceeded with positioning and binding all the different components of the machine. Our detailed focus was assembling all the specific requirements. At the end of this phase, we figured out all the possible technical constraints to come up with the most effective match for the manufacturing goals.

3D Product Design Development &

Component CAD

The fourth stage went on with a sample production phase where we developed a sample prototype prior to sending the last batch for manufacturing. We then began with using our expertise to test the product design before sending it down to the manufacturer to ease the whole procedure with complete documentation of the design. This helped us in assessing of sample.

In our design process, once the idea is specified and we are satisfied we are then sure of a solid idea that will thrill the customer, we take the layout into 3D for critical representation and discover all the essential parts of the design. Throughout this stage, the design is then set to meet up with our customer’s objective and to handle the operation efficiently. This is vital to the product development procedure and we take care of the whole process for you. Using this strategy, we come up with excellent designs to meet up with all of our client’s specifications and your output is as beautiful as your imaginary design.

The final stage was the automation phase of the machine where we figured out the specific diverse manufacturing techniques to bring the design to reality. To ensure the automation stage went on efficiently, we began by preparing and producing the best mould for the machine and continued with advocating the client's needs and managing the mass production procedure from the beginning to the end.

Medical Beauty Machines Industrial Desig
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